Franco-Ontarian Business Forum: A Must-Attend Event for All Francophone Entrepreneurs
Written by : FGA
Categorised : News

Toronto, April 17, 2024 – Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario (FGA) is proud to invite businesses as well as francophile and francophone entrepreneurs from the province to the second edition of its Franco-Ontarian Business Forum, which will take place on April 25, 2024. This event, to be held at the Globe and Mail Centre in Toronto from 8am to 7pm, promises to be an exceptional opportunity for networking, connecting, and drawing inspiration from presentations by renowned experts representing various business sectors.
“Coming back strong for its second edition, the Franco-Ontarian Business Forum is a significant event that offers a unique opportunity to bring together stakeholders in economic development and francophone entrepreneurship in Ontario and beyond. We are delighted to contribute to positioning the francophone community as a catalyst for the development of fruitful business relationships and as a driver of inspiring exchanges. We call on all leaders and entrepreneurs to join us in participating in discussions and advancing the cause of francophone entrepreneurship.” – Dominic Mailloux, President of the FGA.
It is an honour for the FGA to bring together over twenty speakers, including the Honourable Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Francophone Affairs and President of the Treasury Board, Ms. Danièle Henkel, Ms. Zahra Kamil Ali, representative for the Americas of the International Organization of La Francophonie, and the Honorable Nina Tangri, Associate Minister of Small Business, Government of Ontario.
“This year, the presentations will adopt a short 20-min. format, similar to ‘TEDTalks’. Each presentation will be followed by a networking session to allow participants to continue discussions on the topic presented. Our aim, with this modern format that encourages debate and sharing, is to better engage our guests and offer them an interactive and dynamic experience. We expect a large turnout from the business community!” – Richard Kempler, General Manager of the FGA.
On the agenda: Our Local Businesses, Women Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Francophone Economy on the International Stage, Tools and Insights for Francophone Businesses, and Economic Outlook 2024-2025 for the Franco-Ontarian Business Community. To view the detailed program:
The Forum will also be an opportunity to hold the FGA’s annual general meeting and to present the 3rd Ontario-Quebec Francophonie Trade Award. This award aims to recognize the excellence of francophone businesses that are committed to francophone business culture and have distinguished themselves at the interprovincial level through their significant contribution to increasing exchanges between Ontario and Quebec. Two awards are thus given, one to an Ontario-based company and the other to a Quebec-based company.
- The Quebec finalists are: Les Équipements Lapierre (Saint-Ludger), the company Interprétation signes et paroles (Gatineau), and the microbrewery Dieu Du Ciel! (Montreal).
- The Ontario finalists are: Hybrid Power Solutions (Etobicoke), Ori-krea (Toronto), and Escouade multimédia (Hawkesbury).
Please note, capacity is limited. To register:
Practical Information
Thursday, April 25, 2024
from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
The Globe and Mail Centre
351 King St E, 17th floor
Toronto, ON M5A 0N1
Forum Host and Master of Ceremonies:
Mathilde Hountchégnon. As a host and producer, Mathilde has been working in the media and communication sector for over 15 years.
Guest Country:
Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.
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About the Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario (FGA)
The Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario supports, represents, and advances the interests of its members and economic actors. Its mission is to fully promote the francophone business community through policy development based on principles, ingenious business services, and innovative activities focused on the development of francophone commercial markets. Currently, the FGA has around fifty direct members, representing over 5000 Franco-Ontarian businesses.
Media Information and Accreditation Requests
Mélanie Grenier
Communications Manager